Solomon Group National Education Center

Solomon Group National Education Center
Creed: To Glorify God and help people.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Why Aliens Will Never Visit Earth

For my first attempt at a blog, I wanted to be serious for a few moments and dispell rumors that aliens have visited earth. I will hereby debunk every known theory, sighting, or close encounter and will explain explicitly why aliens will not bother to visit our tasty little orb.

First, the sightings of ufos. I group them all together into one universal group and vigorously contend that each of the known "sightings" can be reduced to one simple answer: flatulence.
Yep, that's right. We all know about it, most of us have it, and even more of us sort of actually enjoy its presence in our lives. It is a well documented scientific FACT that our own malodorous noise maker is highly flammable and that it floats upward at tremendous speeds. Actually, the speed of flatulence is inversely related to the number of people ABOUT to walk into the room where you were tooting your own horn. If 7 of your wife's closest friends are about to walk into the den where you thought you were alone, flatulence travels at about 2 feet per hour at best. But after that, it has been clocked upwards of 4300 miles per hour.

It is believed that the "FART" was documented well before the first alleged alien/ufo sighting. The match and fire was next, then the wheel. It only stands to reason that there were caveman ancestors of mine who saw the logical beauty of taking this new found fire and mixing it with their voluminous quantitys of caveman body gas. Cavemen had a largely sulphuric diet and the early days of our planet were more noxious than most realize. It wasn't meteors that killed the dinosaurs. It was the first pregnant cavelady who combined the sulphur based diet with being pregnant. Basically, that's all it took.

Now, why the aliens will never visit our planet: My dad loves to fart into his cell phone to "get me good". On those fine occassions where I answer with a basic "hello", and am met by the sound of a choking duck on the other end, I know that my dad is on the other end showing me how funny he really is. It wasn't funny enough that he named his two boys Cash and Carey. Nah, he has to call me up at the age of 67 and rip me a new earhole. And how, you may ask, will this keep aliens from visiting the earth? Simple.

As has been documented factually on numerous top rated websites, aliens obviously do exist. That has never been in question. As Stan Dare documented on, aliens really exist. However, they, like most of my redneck inlaws, choose to steal basic cable rather than pay for it. And where do they steal it? Right from those same multi-use satellites that transmist our cable/cell phone signals across our planet. And when my Dad fires one up, (and he rarely stops at just one) that noise gets broadcast right onto the television set of every
Xornquellian (well known dark planet) in the cosmos. Folks, this ain't rocket science. This is alien science. I gotta believe that those aliens up there bootlegging cable from our satellites are smart enough to know that the atmosphere of our planet smells of rotten eggs and ranch style beans.

So, in the name of interplanetary safety, let er' rip!

I dedicate this first blog posting to my wife, who will beat me senseless as I snicker about my "pregnant lady fart comment above. Pain is temporary, but a good laugh can last a while. Sorry, Katy. I have now blogged. You may resume your normal duties.


Katybug said...

Cash, you are such a riot! This is one of the things I love so much about you: you know how to make me laugh. Thanks for the ROFL!

Oh, and BTW, I am reeeeeeealy sleepy tonite...gonna have to go riiiiight to sleeeeeeeep...

(that's for the pregnant lady fart comments)

Jenster said...

You have answered so many questions that keep me up at night. Thank you.

And I sure hope you stick with your blog longer than my husband stuck with his.

Unknown said...

I think we studied this in college. It has something to do with the Bernoulli equation and I'm pretty sure that some people in the scientific realm are calling it Fourier's Atomic Relativistic Theorem or FART for short. I also believe that the speed of a fart is absolute zero when in an elevator. I haven't seen the scientific research on this; however, I have seen it in practice. Whew. Blamin it on the dog....


Anonymous said...

Your scientific analysis is exact and glorious. As a fellow scientist, I greatly admire your work, your ethics, and your keen ability with chicks. Perhaps we will enjoy scotch together sometime and I will explain Pink Floyd's Dark Side Of The Moon.


David said...

I don't know man. Some creatures like farts. I let a big one this morning and my new puppy ran up, sniffed and got real happy. What if puppies are actually aliens?

Anonymous said...

I found a post about dinosaurs. You appear to be exactly right on. Wow! Read this: