Solomon Group National Education Center

Solomon Group National Education Center
Creed: To Glorify God and help people.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Yo, Chubby

I grew up skinny.  I was the "runt" of my class, a little bitty dude with bad teeth and skinny, skinny arms.  My mom used to hold my forearms in just one hand and comment on how skinny I was and that she was worried about me.  One day, I got fat and felt good about it. 

I recall eating everything I could find as those skinny, worried comments really stuck with me.  Then I got fat, then fatter, then even fatter.  What could have been passed off as a mere childhood worry morphed into a real live adult worry.  After retiring from the bmx scene and opting for the academic and work world, I ballooned up like a free range tick.  At the top of my fat acquisition program, I was up to nearly 245 lbs.  That is basically two people in just one body, hence, my multiple personalities. 

I made a decision about 75 days ago to change my life, my outlook, and my chances.  It is working wonderfully and I am so please with my results and my new lifestyle.  At times, I get to eat whatever I want.  I can have a frosted funnel cake fiesta with cheese and cream gravy every so often as long as the other 90 percent of the time I am living a healthy lifestyle.  It works.  In just a couple of months I am down well over 20 lbs and a couple of dress sizes!  My multiple chins are decreasing.  I am getting healthy, not skinny and I love how it feels.  I can do it. 

So, I've listened to modern doctors, philosophers, and diet product salesmen tell me how bad off we are in the United States.  They say we are in an epedemic of fat, diabetes, and choice related disease. The government, in their wisdom, initiated health insurance because of all the uninsured and sick people.  Ha.  I scoffed with great scoffiness.  Surely these people are wrong....uh oh, I just got back from the beach in Port Aransas.


I decided to check the stats.  I had to walk a bit from my car to the funnel cake stand as we approached Sand Fest 2011.  I would make a count of people that were:

1.  Over 30
2.  Did not appear to have just had a child
3.  Males and Females randomly
4.  Chubby went into the "healthy" category, really fat went into the "fat category". 

Here is what I found out:  The government is right, we cannot OR will not take care of  ourselves, so they need to do it for us.  I am part of the problem, but I repent.  I reject bad health as a choice.  Here are what the numbers showed me and I am disgusted:

104 Sample People

78 Were grossly spilling out of their swimsuits and looked like three quarts of marshmellow fluff in a two quart pan. 

26 Were chubby or less, with some actually appearing to be athletic.  I did not count skinny kids of which I used to be one too. 

About 75% of the beach population has chosen to live a less than fulfilling life, or a life with less health.

What is bad health and good health?  Is good health just a lack of disease or symptoms?  Nah, good health is something up the scale a bit where you are strong and feel good.  Bad health is something less than zero on the scale.  We need to choose good health.  We need to treat the causes of our diseases where possible, and not treat the symptoms. 

Tomorrow I start another 24 day advocare challenge with the people in my life.  This time, I am stepping it up a bit and I don't even know what that means.  We are also starting "40 DAYS OF PRAYER" at The Solomon Group.  We sit around and pray with each other over our lives, our family, and our goals.  Those 40 days end about May 27.  If I hit my goals, and Audrey hits her goals, here is how May 28th plays out:

8:00 a.m.  Limo picks us up and takes us to breakfast at Kerby Lane

8:45          Head to the local shopping to shop like a rockstar.  Audrey gets 10 new outfits along with all relevant bling, shoes, hats, etc.  I get a new wardrobe as well. 

12:00        Noon  Limo takes us to Dave and Busters (Audrey's Fave!) where we have lunch and play games for a couple of hours

2:00           Head to local Apple store:  Audrey, Katy, Jenn, and I get to each purchase one item of our choice. 

3:00          Finish shopping requirements

5:00           Limo takes us all to dinner at Melting Pot

7:00          Movie

9:00          Ice Cream

9:30          Limo Driver is exhausted and gets to go home!

It is a good goal, and I am eager to succede.  Girls, this is for you. 

I am so thrilled that we live in a country where we still have a choice to the outcome of our lives.  Take that choice and make it count. 

Cash Matthews

Friday, April 8, 2011

Wow, Thanks, 23/68 And Beach

I need to blog more.  It is theraputic for me and for the one of you out there reading this, I am confident that my writing makes you feel better about your own life!  There is so much going on here, a blog is a great way to bring it all together and look at your mess from a top down view.

Wow.  Almost two years has gone by since we opened the new Solomon Group building, with all of the hopes and dreams so fresh.  Today we reached another milestone, at least for me.  Without too much fanfare, we made payroll.  And rent.  And a major website to support our program.  And a few other things....not often do I get to pat myself on the back, but for some reason today I am feeling some major relief. 

 God has blessed us so richly with love, kindness, and opportunity.  Our "B.O.N.G. events have flourished and I continue to find myself surrounded by believers who are for us.  Our North BONG sold out and had standing room only.  One of our goals is to help promote ethical commerce in Austin, and then the U.S. and to help the small business person thrive.  Somehow, we seem to be accomplishing these things and I know that all the credit has a Divine origin.  I continue to meet individuals who amaze me, and this cannot be an accident. 


1.  David Temple.  Our 2010 Advisor of The Year at The Solomon Group.  David is one of the most dedicated learners of our business, and he continues to grow and thrive in ways that truly inspire me.  I love his quick wit and his manner around our office.  David is truly a team player and someone I admire greatly.

2.  Ben Randle.  Another outstanding fellow, Ben has grown into a hihg-caliber business person and his ability with people one-on-one is so impressive.  He is one of those who you just love when you meet him, and it shows in how people respond to him.  We are lucky to have Ben and Tammy as part of our growing company and I look forward to watching him as he has set his sights high for the coming months and years!

3.  Kevin Hollemans.  Wow.  I don't care if you spell WOW backwards or forwards, but Kevin is a WOW factor.  This guy is on fire in so many ways, people are showing up just to watch!  He is on fire for God, for his family, for his business, and it is so cool to see a man of his caliber making and accomplishing goals.  Wow.  Did I say wow yet?

4.  Jennifer Eskina.  Possibly the most talented person I know.  Perserverance would be one word for her.  Dedicated could fit in there also.  Gobs of talent, and all of it is something she has worked for.  Tomorrow she will be speaking to hundreds of at risk girls.  Her talk is about girls/business and her relationship with God.  She juggles so much, and always makes time to do the right thing.  Lives get changed tomorrow, and there are going to be kids who will benefit their whole lives through after this program at First Independant Baptist Church.  Jenn, you are THE MAN!

God has put so many great people in my life, and I am thankful for them all.

Ok then, this is day 68 and I am still down 23 lbs and a bunch of dress sizes.  Well, belt loop holes!  I feel better too, which is nice.  I didn't realize I was just a decision away.

Tomorrow I am off to the beach house to do some work.  Sand Fest is coming up.  Wanna come and play? 

Goodnight Sarah and Audrey...It is impossible to say how much I love you both. 

Woof. I am a lucky dog.

Above:, super cute !

Above:  Me with Sarah at Port A...No fish,but an excellent time!

Above:  Jennifer Eskina, SGI Executive VP, a rare photo of her NOT working or saving the day!

Girls!  Lots and lots of girls!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Fat Party

Mark the date...April 18, we are getting a crew of folks together who might like to encourage each other and do the "24 Day Challenge" at the same time.  It would be amazing if we could get 100 people to do the challenge with us and if we each lost 10 lbs, that would be 1000 pounds!

The 24 day challenge info can be found on Katy's Advocare site at

Join us for better health!

This is day 50 or so for me with the new lifestyle change.  Just yesterday I tried on a shirt that two years ago was much too small.  Yesterday, I wore the heck out of that shirt.  Yes, it fit.  Ahhhhh............I am doing this.

Monday, March 14, 2011

People I Love!

David and Windy Temple...David was our Advisor of the Year for 2010!

I am so blessed to work with a great group of people.  I just want to post their pic here and say a few things about them.  Mostly, I want to publicly say thanks to those folks who are willing to work with me, support me, or be part of this journey.  I love you all, and am honored to be near you.

Pastor Mike Marcellus,(left) First Independent Baptist close friend and advisor!

Dawn Dotson....Mortgage genius, Wonderful friend!

Donna Haas....Kenny married UP!

Ivette Zuliani...definitely one of the good eggs!

Jackie and Sue Mills...Solomon's MVP for 2010!!!

Jennifer Eskina...Executive Vice President and Master of The Redfish!

Kevin and Shari Hollemans..Director of Money Matters Ministry

Laura Deaton, my life long friend from first grade...

The Hope Award Winner for 2010...she is heroic

Ben Randle, Leonard Rice, David Temple

Fishing 2010

Sunrise Service...The Whole Gang!  August 2010

40 days of Prayer Group!

There are many more for whom I do not have photos of, but thanks to all of you who are so fantastic and such a major part of my life.  Please know, that if we are friends, I count YOU as a blessing!

Notes From A Former Fatty Fatty Fathead March 14 ,2011

I am about 42 days or so into this new lifestyle thing and somehow the changes are coming easier each day.  I continue to learn about the formation of my habits and the lessons and misseps behind those habits.  Not all  habits are good, and not all bad habits are that bad either.  I am not here to beat myself up,just to share so that I can reflect, and possibly be some help to my family.

When I get stressed, bad food seems to be my "go-to playbook".  Wow, it really is "what's eating you, not what you're eating".  I thought that was such a silly statement.  The last 6 weeks or so have been an awesome learning possibility for me as I continue to work on myself and my business.  Each time something has presented itself as a challenge, I have been able to track it backwards to its origin, and to contemplate the feelings and needs behind those feelings.  Somewhere along the way, the 8 year old boy turned into a man and that boy still resides somewhere inside me.  This period I am in is ME shaking the little 8 year old Me up a bit and making a few changes based on the current me.  Make sense?

I have shed about 20 lbs and done so in a gradual and healthy way.  However, I am still a tub of goo.  I have always been a GREAT starter and a lousy finisher.  Don't be impressed by the 20....When I have kept it off for a couple of years and made a few other changes, then we can both pat me on the back.  Not until then, however. 

I want a long-term win.  I want to be the champion of my life.  I am making changes, decisions, mistakes, and plans.  I have some things I want to accomplish.  The music is still in me. 

Alrighty then...I have vented for the day.  I shall now go watch Beaches and weep openly. 

Mattel X 15 tricycle....I wanted one as a kid...well....I am still a kid! 

When No Means Yes...

I am reposting this from a few months ago.  It seems topical today for some reason.  I re-read what i had written and it had a profound impact on me.  I hope you find something here also.  Best wishes....from Port Aransas, Texas. 


Last Friday night I had the honor of being asked to speak in front of 200 or so young men and women at the First Independent Baptist Church here in Austin, Texas. The pastor of the church, Mike Marcellus asked me to participate with his youth minister, Daniel, in talking to these kids about our testimony and how our lives had been impacted by our faith. My message was a simple explanation of how God has a real plan for each of us, and that sometimes, we hear NO so that sometime later we might hear Yes!

Sometimes No means Yes. Sometimes no means yes in a big way. And most often, that no seems permanent and final, when in fact, it is temporal and directional. Sometimes No means Yes.

I was a kid who wanted a motorcycle. I have mentioned this in other writings, but I am not sure if I accurately explained how much I wanted a motorcycle. My uncle Jerry was a famous motorcycle racer and I wanted to be like him. All the cool kids in our area had motorcycles, I got to go watch motorcycle races, motorcycle motorcycle motorcycle! Yep, I wanted one bad. I would cut out pictures and leave them around the house. My mom or grandmother would ask what I wanted for dinner, I would say, "Honda Mini Trail 70" motorcycle! They got sick of it. In fact, I think secretly they just wanted to see if I would explode at some point if they DIDN'T get me a motorcycle. We couldn't afford a motorcycle, they weren't safe, and blah blah blah blah blah. I want a motorcycle.

I NEVER GOT A MOTORCYCLE. I became a Christian at the age of 13. I thought God somehow was the cosmic order taker of my wants, not really having a mature vision of Him being the Supreme Overseer and guidance counselor. It's sort of why we don't give flamethrowers to 6 year olds I think. He never sent me a motorcycle. I still wake up on birthdays and Christmas and groundhog day and national peanut butter day and other important holidays thinking somehow the universe just might have gotten me a motorcycle. Nah. I ain't getting a motorcycle. NO........

So I did the next best thing and got a bicycle. Yep. Pedals. Schwinn Stingray to be exact. I made motorcycle sounds with my mouth while I rode. I put a playing card up into the spokes for that ultra cool MX motorcycle sound at a fraction of the cost. And a bicycle, not a motorcycle, would make all the difference. I won't go into the inner workings of the sport of bmx, but somehow I got involved in the VERY early stages of a sport that is now on the world staqe being a part of the Olympics. It has a National Hall of Fame of which I am now a member. This year, as the MC of the National BMX Hall of Fame, I get to induct the inventor of the coveted Schwinn Stingray, Mr. Al Fritz. Bicycles seemed to make a big difference for him as well. Yep, I get to lead the party where the inventor of The Schwinn Stingray get's his props. Me. A Kid without a motorcycle. I get to do it. Really? How about that? That is Eskimo cool. Cool in a way that I don't have words for. Gnarly. It is excellent.

God has a plan for our lives. Sometimes, it doesn't become evident till some time later. As I stood on the stage in 2006 accepting my own induction into the National Bmx Hall of Fame, my dad was present in the audience. And at that moment it occured to me, "If I had gotten my own way, this moment may not have ever happened". I spoke to my father there on the spot in a departure from my carefully planned speech and thanked him for NOT letting me get a motorcycle. God has a plan for our lives, and sometimes he uses those around us to make sure His plan gets implemented. I am usually bewildered by life, but this one I am certain of. I've messed up so many times, fallen short so often, and managed to hit the nail squarely on the thumb with a frequency that is quite unimpressive. However, this one did indeed turn out right.

I asked, and No was the answer. It meant Yes to something much greater for me, my family, and my friends who celebrated with me. No can mean Yes---if you let it. Now I get it. Finally

Cash Matthews

It turned out pretty good for me.....Audrey, fishing....this is the good stuff!

Old guy with baby!  Fun!!! (September 9, 2008!)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Courage. Discourage. Encourage.

I have often prayed for courage and God has listened.  Unfortunately, the only place you might need courage is when fear is present.  So when some post-prayer scary situation happens, I know God is in control, and that He is indeed in control.  It took me a while to get what was happening so I prayed for patience.....right after that a little old lady driving about 5 mph pulled in front of me and taught me patience.  Whew, God sure has a funny way....His ways are not my ways.

When I am encouraged, I can do anything.  Perhaps there is some thing accurate in that mustard seed/faith parable in the Bible.  When I think I can win, I often do.  As a man thinketh.....

When I am discouraged, I am at my lowest point.  The devil knows this and uses this devastating tool to distract me.  When someone tells me I am looking good with the new lifestyle, I am encouraged.  When I fail to be able to do just 3 simple sit ups (p 90 x style!) I am discouraged and feel worthless.  It makes me want to quit.  Quitting is so easy.  For whatever reason, quitting seems to be the first alternative when things aren't perfect.  Why am I that way?  Discouragement.  And I don't believe it is an accident.  How do I fight discouragement?

I have to keep my goals in mind first.  The goals keep me moving in the face of discouragement.  That little voice that talks inside your head was formed by the time you were 8 years old, and you have to realize that an 8 year old is inside your head making important play calls....grab ahold of that little braniac person and shake him a bit until he sees it your way.  Once you decide....the universe opens up to you and for you.  I have a decided heart about things.  Do you? 

The origins of the word "decide" are this:  Middle English, from Latin decidere, literally, to cut off, from de- + caedere to cut... other choice but to do the here I am a little more than a month after "deciding" to change my life.  It is working. 

If you know me, please encourage me.  Let's encourage each other.  It is time for me to get past what I used to be and get on with what I am supposed to be.  God has a plan for me, and I don't believe 75 pounds over weight was part of that plan.  I came up with a new saying for myself...


I am very encouraged today.  You be as well.  Things are great and only getting better!

Happy Birthday to Jeana is her baby picture!!!

Here is her grown up picture:

Happy birthday, Jeana!  What you was ain't what you is either! You are awesome and I hope you have a wonderful day!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 31 observations

The hard stuff gets easier, the good stuff gets better, and it is worth it.  However....

It is so easy to slip back into old habits...just a few more minutes of sleep, putting stuff off..etc...I must stay vigilant.  I will. 

Here are some photos to entertain you!

Me running with Sarah!

I am greatful to have another chance to do things right with my health.  I am a week into my 2nd 24 day challenge and am better off for it.  Thank you Robyn Pettinger and Advocare!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 30 Still Here. Send Cupcakes

Wow, 30 days later and I am still taking care of myself.  For the month I am down about 16 pounds and my strength is increasing! 

I am not on a diet.  I am just being reasonable.  Today I had some popcorn and a couple of reeses peanut butter favorite dish.  I am limiting my bad days to just one a day and just one meal a day and I don't feel any guilt, and I certainly do not miss all the crap I used to eat. 

Last Monday we started another 24 day Advocare challenge, and let me tell you, these products are working for us.  We are feeling better, losing weight, and making the right changes in our lives.  Each day I get up early, try to read a bit, review my goals and my day, then workout for about an hour.  By 7:30 a.m. I have accomplished more than I used to get done in a week.

Thanks to all of you who have supported me and want the best for me.  Cash will carry on. 

This is me just a few years ago....gravity defying fun!  I still have the music in me!!!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wild Hair Club For Men

Art Williams, my mentor visionary from the 1980's, coined the phrase "Just Do It".  He even wrote a book of that title sometime before Nike stole his idea and invented Michael Jordan.  His thesis was to do that thing that was in front of you that you KNEW you needed to do, regardless of your current set of circumstances.  He encouraged people to quit talking about stuff and to start doing stuff.  Little did he know. 

I have always obeyed the creed of "The Wild Hair".  Many times, to my detriment, I did exactly as I saw fit and without much regard for what my mom thought and certainly with no regard for what the friends and acquaintances around me thought.  It doesn't deserve much detail here, but as a kid, I did stuff.  Lots of stuff.  As an older kid, I flew my bike out to California and rode back to Oklahoma to see if I could do it.  I jumped a train once and rode hundreds of miles with my bike on board, just to see what results I might get. 
I built a house when I was about 19 or so becuase it seemed reasonable at the time.  I did all kinds of dumb stuff and even some smart stuff.  I definitely obeyed the wild hair creed.

As an older, wiser adult, I started a Professional Golf Tour which pretty much broke me financially, but I don't regret doing it at all.  And though I took a severe beating on the deal, I would do it again.  More recently, I decided to expand my business nationwide, and to start multiple companies under one roof.  Wow, was that fun!  I like getting in way over my head.

See, I have always believed that God is awesome, and that He is good, all the time.  I figure with the creator of the universe having my cosmic back, that not much can go wrong.  Ya know, I was right!  Even though I have suffered many of my decisions, The Bible mentions that I should "consider it pure joy when I face trials for they serve to strengthen me".  God doesn't need to steer a parked car either, so I have often moved forward with my ideas and beliefs. 

Is there something you would like to do?  Do is a powerful word, and a much more powerful action.  To do is to be in harmony with your dreams and goals.  It develops your character and your spirit, and  it increases your understanding in multiple ways. 

If you knew success was guaranteed, what would you attempt?

If you knew you could NOT fail, what would you spend your time doing?

What holds YOU back?  Is there a reason, excuse, person, or other thing holding you back from "Doing It"?  Seriously.  Dig around in there.  Most often, I meet people who wish they had done some stuff.  Even more often I meet those who are controlled by either their past like a boat anchor or they are controlled by some one else's opinion of them.

Cut the line on both.  Neither is real.  You can do it.  God never made a piece of junk and He certainly doesn't want you to lie around in the vomit of your own past.  He does want you to learn from it, and from those previous mistakes comes the wisdom and confidence that you need.  America needs you to be brave and bold.  My kids need you to be the best YOU that you can be.  Your legacy is waiting for you.

Just do it. 

Here is a picture of something I created that I am proud of. I was so very scared, but I did it any way.  Vacation Business School.  God's plan for money and business through the eyes of kids.  Everyone talks about taking action and how we need to educate kids....I am so proud that I took action.  VBS....2010...

If you would like for your child to participate with Vacation Business School in 2011...let me know....I took action to create the class....all you have to do is say yes!  It is FREE for the kids ages 8 to 17!  June 2011.

The Wild Hair.....sometimes is pays off! 

Day 19. Still In The Game!

One of the easiest things for me to justify is quitting.  I am big boned, I am busy, I am....blah blah blah.  Normally, I would have already done that but this time, everything seems different.  Perhaps I am just too lazy now to rationalize!  So, here is my status:

After 19 or so days, I have lost about 13 pounds, I have exercised regularly, I am gettingh more rest and more water, and a new way of life seems possible.  I started with a 24 day challenge and a 90 day goal.  The 24 day challenge is almost over and for me, it has been pretty simple, and very doable.  Anything believeable works for me.  I believe I will continI and make some major changes for the better. 

Don't ya hate it when you put something off for like 30 years?  I never had a single bad year, just lots of slight errors in judgement.  A couple of pounds a year for 30 years and all of the sudden you look like a beached albino whale with a fat lip and a bad haircut.  Ok, maybe a little much, but that is what I have felt like lately. 

This is from the first day of my new "me".  See the # 1 finger?  That means day 1.  The cool jersey is a remake of an old bmx jersey that my buddy Stu Thomsen and Jeff Ruminer used to wear!

Ok, lets take a look at me after day 10 of the "herbal cleanse" least i was standing when the picture was taken....the empty box implies my completion of the contents which I actually did do in perfect harmony with the written instructions....really....I took some, seriously!

Wow, I gotta stop taking pictures at 6:30 a.m. when my hair is such a mess. 

These are some of the new products/food choices I will be making from here on.  Most of this is from Advocare, a nationally known nutrition/research company that is wildly endorsed by Drew Brees, Colt McCoy, and numerous other famous people.  Katy sells this stuff and it seems to work.  You can see more of it at   I tried this once before and lost lots of weight and my blood work changed almost miraculously.  I can say that I have been the science project that proves this stuff works and can work again!  But only if I apply myself...

Spark is the best food I have ever put into my body and I will take it forever.  It enhances my energy and gives me sharp mental focus.  It doesn't have any weight loss component, but I don't want to go through a single day without it.  The rest is nutrition related, etc.  I have replaced breakfast with a nutritious shake for the 24 days of the challenge.  (Purple box)  I am eating well, adding lots of planned snacks (almonds, fruit, nuts, protein bar, drinking more water, and getting more sleep.  This seems to be the right formula. 

Here is what I looked like at the age of 15:

That's me on the left.  All 145 pounds of me.  That picture was in a magazine under the title, "Oklahoma Legends", or something like that.  I have NOT felt very legendary in quite a long time. 

So day 19 was pretty good.  I still have lots on me right now, stuff I don't want to blog about or talk about so much.  There is much to do, much to be accomplished, and much encouragement around me.  I get up early now every day and love being "more awake" to my surroundings.  I feel like I just stepped out of the Matrix.  More later. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 12

Ever just have a lousy day?  I had one yesterday, and was discouraged by life, and a gripey fat head.  In fact, it could be suggested that I was a double fooey fatty fatty fat headed fat head.  Ok, I have vented, and on with day 12.

Up easily at 5:30.  About to do my pushups and cardio stuff.  Eating well and taking care of myself seems to get easier as each day goes by.  I still have a strong love of popcorn and reeses peanut butter cups.  I am treating myself to once a week with a little popcorn and a reeses cup.  Right now, even that seems excessive.  I have lost a few pounds, but I am not giving much time or credence to weight loss being the predictor of health or wellness.  Good health is not just the absence of disease or weight, but something more.  I want the something more.  There are so many pressures on me with life and business, that good health is essential to survive. 

Today I am going to an Advocare "Success School" up in Fort Worth.  I am torn about going because I have so much to do here, but I need a break from the day-to-day activities.  AND, I need to sharpen myself and these Advocare folks seem to have a good grasp on the right way to build a life, a business, and how to live life on purpose.  I have much to learn. 

I have taken a stand for my health.  For the first time in a long, long,time, I feel pretty good.  This is nice.  Ok, pushups and cardio....

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 10 Of Life Change

Actually, these go to 11.  Ok, this is the 11th day forward from when I decided to make a change in my life.  It has been awful and wonderful in so many ways. 

The Awful:  The regret I feel for not figuring this out much sooner

The Wonderful:  Almost every other part.  I wake up each day at 5:30 a.m., read a Proverb, read my goals, then spend some time on the treadmill.  So far I have been early to bed, and early to rise.....

When I figure out how, I will add some pics of this journey and perhaps a link. 

I just finished a 10 day Herbal Cleanse.  This is a product of Advocare and is designed to make things "run smooth" and clear your system out pretty well.  I don't want to say how much tonage I dropped from just that, but I was very pleased with the results.  As far as the cleanse part of it goes, I will just say this:  "Looking back (literally), I don't see anything down there that would be better off inside me" so I will count all of this as a win!

Waking up gets easier.  I have been waking up before my alarm goes off.

Exercise gets easier.  I can now do 7 pushups instead of 5!  I am up to 3.3 mph on the treadmill.  Baby steps, right?  The one key that is universal was taking a step, getting started.  There is never a perfect time to do the right thing better than right now. 

Lots of work stuff going on, and lots of the daily pressures of life and business.  I have been discouraged a couple of times, but fought through it.  Not sure what is next......

Friday, February 4, 2011

Exceptions Are NOT Exceptional

Today is te 5th day of making a major life decision.  Somewhere in here I will finish my last post where I posted my daily intake of nutrition, etc, but today I wanted to jot down some musings on something I see that is a major stumbling block for me.  Being exceptional. 

Exceptional?  You mean super awesome?  Like, you ARE exceptional?  Like, NO.  Like, when you make exceptions to personal rules and codes, you are very NOT exceptional.  When you make excuses and believe them, you are on the pathway to destruction.  See, some people (my nickname) have made excuses for so long that they now actually believe them and accept this as a normal way of life.  Excuseism and Exceptionalism begins so easily and just latches on like a tick, sucking your future out of every pore but rarely causing much pain during the moment.  Here is an exception I made today:

"Oh, it is snowing outside, so I don't have to wake up on time".  It is just a small exception, but one that a real pro would never make.  And at the end of today, it doesn't have that big an impact on the outcome of anything.  The real problem lies in the fact that the next time I am faced with honoring a commitment or choosing an easier path, it will become easier to take the easy way out.  Winning, toughness, commitment, and success are not a part of the time thing, they are an all the time thing.  Did I make a huge error this morning?  Nah, if ever there was a great morning to sleep in and have my girls jumping on the bed, today was that day.  But if I am not careful, if I excuse my behavior over and over, then losing and excuses become the way of life and success becomes some mystery that appears to be cosmically awarded by the universe, and not to those who seek it.  I am in the battle of a life time in so many areas.  I want to win them all. 

I got back on the horse right after the girls tired of jumping on the bed bonzai style.  Today is a good day, full of lessons and possibilities.  I choose life. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Wait. Weight.

So, back for my annual post where I share my brilliance with my keyboard and no one really notices!  Today is February 2, 2011 and I am happy to be here. 

It is amazing what we learn to put up with.  Mark Twain said, "You could learn to like a hot stove if you sit on it long enough".  Kevin Bacon said, "Thank you sir may I have another?"  Often, our lives become a product of slight errors in judgement to the negative or we win massively by exercising "the slight edge". 

Winners do the right thing.  Champions do what losers are simply unwilling to do.  Professionals know what to do, when and how to do it, and they do it, regardless of how they feel.  That is what it takes to live life to the fullest.

With that, I am looking forward to being a loser.  To be more clear, I am looking forward to loosing some bad habits and learning some new good ones.  I am looking forward to lossing worry and despair, and I am looking forward to a brighter day.  See, I have marginalized my health and let myself become a fat tub of goo.  Yep.  Goo.  Slime.  Chunky Monkey.  Rotund.  The Round Mound of Sound.  I am all of these AND a crate of Diet Cheetos.  I am too fat, and I am ready to make a change.

Just a few days ago, Sunday, January 30, 2011 in fact, I made a decision.  I decided to take control of my health and physical life and live on purpose.  On that day, I was 5 ft 8, I weighed 235 pounds, had a 40 inch waist and growing.  I am on high blood pressure medicine, allergy medicine, and I need to be on cholestoral meds as well.  I eat anything and everything I want.  So does my family.  I have been a lousy leader. 

There are so many changes I could make, but I am going to make a few changes right now that will make a difference.  I want to do something awesome, and more importantly, I don't want to die with the music still in me.  In fact, I don't want to die at all.  I want to live, live well, and live on purpose.  Here goes.

Day 1.  Monday, January 31.   Woke up at 5:30 a.m.  Wow this sucks.  This is where I will start my day from now on.  I am not on a diet, I am making a decided lifestyle change.  We waste too much time in bed anyway.  Here is how I see my average day working out for me:

Up at 5:30.  a.m.  No Snooze any more.  I've spent my whole life snoozing.  I am tired of snoozing.  The Bible says something like "a little more rest, a little more slumber, a little more folding of the hands, and a bad guy will take all of your stuff...." (Cash's paraphrase)  So, every day from now on, up at 5:30 a.m.

5:40 a.m.. I have chosen Advocare products to help me with the nutrition side of my life.  They fill in the gaps and enable me to feel and perform better.  Start each day with a glass of Spark (nectar of the gods!) and three Catalyst 

5:45  Daily Proverb.  I must exercise and feed my mind also

6:00 Advocare chocolate meal replacement shake.  I am told by my workout mentor, Robyn Pettinger of Bootcamp University, that I need to stimulate my muscles and feed my body with more protein.  This gets the job done and sort of ramps me up for the day.  For whatever reason, I am not starved nor do I feel famished during the early part of the day.

6:05 a.m.   Right now twenty minutes of treadmill, upper body weights (mild) and pushups.  I can do 5 pushups.  Barely!  Next week, I am starting P 90 x and converting my garage to a "man cave".  I am starting slow because I always over do it when I make large commitments. 

7:00 Shower, etc, spend a few more minutes with Audrey and Sarah and Katy, then off to conquer the world. 

Day 1 Diet:  Advocare Herbal Cleanse
                    Chocolate shake

snack           protein bar
