Solomon Group National Education Center

Solomon Group National Education Center
Creed: To Glorify God and help people.

Monday, March 14, 2011

People I Love!

David and Windy Temple...David was our Advisor of the Year for 2010!

I am so blessed to work with a great group of people.  I just want to post their pic here and say a few things about them.  Mostly, I want to publicly say thanks to those folks who are willing to work with me, support me, or be part of this journey.  I love you all, and am honored to be near you.

Pastor Mike Marcellus,(left) First Independent Baptist close friend and advisor!

Dawn Dotson....Mortgage genius, Wonderful friend!

Donna Haas....Kenny married UP!

Ivette Zuliani...definitely one of the good eggs!

Jackie and Sue Mills...Solomon's MVP for 2010!!!

Jennifer Eskina...Executive Vice President and Master of The Redfish!

Kevin and Shari Hollemans..Director of Money Matters Ministry

Laura Deaton, my life long friend from first grade...

The Hope Award Winner for 2010...she is heroic

Ben Randle, Leonard Rice, David Temple

Fishing 2010

Sunrise Service...The Whole Gang!  August 2010

40 days of Prayer Group!

There are many more for whom I do not have photos of, but thanks to all of you who are so fantastic and such a major part of my life.  Please know, that if we are friends, I count YOU as a blessing!

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