Solomon Group National Education Center

Solomon Group National Education Center
Creed: To Glorify God and help people.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Exceptions Are NOT Exceptional

Today is te 5th day of making a major life decision.  Somewhere in here I will finish my last post where I posted my daily intake of nutrition, etc, but today I wanted to jot down some musings on something I see that is a major stumbling block for me.  Being exceptional. 

Exceptional?  You mean super awesome?  Like, you ARE exceptional?  Like, NO.  Like, when you make exceptions to personal rules and codes, you are very NOT exceptional.  When you make excuses and believe them, you are on the pathway to destruction.  See, some people (my nickname) have made excuses for so long that they now actually believe them and accept this as a normal way of life.  Excuseism and Exceptionalism begins so easily and just latches on like a tick, sucking your future out of every pore but rarely causing much pain during the moment.  Here is an exception I made today:

"Oh, it is snowing outside, so I don't have to wake up on time".  It is just a small exception, but one that a real pro would never make.  And at the end of today, it doesn't have that big an impact on the outcome of anything.  The real problem lies in the fact that the next time I am faced with honoring a commitment or choosing an easier path, it will become easier to take the easy way out.  Winning, toughness, commitment, and success are not a part of the time thing, they are an all the time thing.  Did I make a huge error this morning?  Nah, if ever there was a great morning to sleep in and have my girls jumping on the bed, today was that day.  But if I am not careful, if I excuse my behavior over and over, then losing and excuses become the way of life and success becomes some mystery that appears to be cosmically awarded by the universe, and not to those who seek it.  I am in the battle of a life time in so many areas.  I want to win them all. 

I got back on the horse right after the girls tired of jumping on the bed bonzai style.  Today is a good day, full of lessons and possibilities.  I choose life. 


flowerpot said...

Good for you, Cash! Changing one's momentum is very, very hard. The first few days of a change are brutal. I will be praying for you. You have made some really great assessments of life and I am cheering for you as you reach toward your goal.

Rock on.

Cash Matthews said...

Could be your bestest post ever. I'm so very proud of you!!

Anonymous said...

Ooops....sorry...this is actually Katybug. Truly!!