Solomon Group National Education Center

Solomon Group National Education Center
Creed: To Glorify God and help people.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Wait. Weight.

So, back for my annual post where I share my brilliance with my keyboard and no one really notices!  Today is February 2, 2011 and I am happy to be here. 

It is amazing what we learn to put up with.  Mark Twain said, "You could learn to like a hot stove if you sit on it long enough".  Kevin Bacon said, "Thank you sir may I have another?"  Often, our lives become a product of slight errors in judgement to the negative or we win massively by exercising "the slight edge". 

Winners do the right thing.  Champions do what losers are simply unwilling to do.  Professionals know what to do, when and how to do it, and they do it, regardless of how they feel.  That is what it takes to live life to the fullest.

With that, I am looking forward to being a loser.  To be more clear, I am looking forward to loosing some bad habits and learning some new good ones.  I am looking forward to lossing worry and despair, and I am looking forward to a brighter day.  See, I have marginalized my health and let myself become a fat tub of goo.  Yep.  Goo.  Slime.  Chunky Monkey.  Rotund.  The Round Mound of Sound.  I am all of these AND a crate of Diet Cheetos.  I am too fat, and I am ready to make a change.

Just a few days ago, Sunday, January 30, 2011 in fact, I made a decision.  I decided to take control of my health and physical life and live on purpose.  On that day, I was 5 ft 8, I weighed 235 pounds, had a 40 inch waist and growing.  I am on high blood pressure medicine, allergy medicine, and I need to be on cholestoral meds as well.  I eat anything and everything I want.  So does my family.  I have been a lousy leader. 

There are so many changes I could make, but I am going to make a few changes right now that will make a difference.  I want to do something awesome, and more importantly, I don't want to die with the music still in me.  In fact, I don't want to die at all.  I want to live, live well, and live on purpose.  Here goes.

Day 1.  Monday, January 31.   Woke up at 5:30 a.m.  Wow this sucks.  This is where I will start my day from now on.  I am not on a diet, I am making a decided lifestyle change.  We waste too much time in bed anyway.  Here is how I see my average day working out for me:

Up at 5:30.  a.m.  No Snooze any more.  I've spent my whole life snoozing.  I am tired of snoozing.  The Bible says something like "a little more rest, a little more slumber, a little more folding of the hands, and a bad guy will take all of your stuff...." (Cash's paraphrase)  So, every day from now on, up at 5:30 a.m.

5:40 a.m.. I have chosen Advocare products to help me with the nutrition side of my life.  They fill in the gaps and enable me to feel and perform better.  Start each day with a glass of Spark (nectar of the gods!) and three Catalyst 

5:45  Daily Proverb.  I must exercise and feed my mind also

6:00 Advocare chocolate meal replacement shake.  I am told by my workout mentor, Robyn Pettinger of Bootcamp University, that I need to stimulate my muscles and feed my body with more protein.  This gets the job done and sort of ramps me up for the day.  For whatever reason, I am not starved nor do I feel famished during the early part of the day.

6:05 a.m.   Right now twenty minutes of treadmill, upper body weights (mild) and pushups.  I can do 5 pushups.  Barely!  Next week, I am starting P 90 x and converting my garage to a "man cave".  I am starting slow because I always over do it when I make large commitments. 

7:00 Shower, etc, spend a few more minutes with Audrey and Sarah and Katy, then off to conquer the world. 

Day 1 Diet:  Advocare Herbal Cleanse
                    Chocolate shake

snack           protein bar



Boot Camp U Austin said...

I love it, Cash! You are a great.......BE a great example for others and your family. You are making inspiring life changes and I'm proud of you. I am with you every step of the way!

Boot Camp U Austin said...

you are such an inspiration to me, Cash! And I can't wait for the inspiration you are going to provide others who are in your same position looking to change their lives and the lives of their families and friends by getting healthy. Thanks for all you do and I can't wait to be a part of the journey with you!